# coding: utf-8
import osfrom os.path import exists # 有了这一句,就不用再写os.path.exists()了,直接exists()print "(^-o^o-^) w: 'write'; r: 'read'; 'c': copy; 'd': delete"respond = raw_input(">>> ")# 函数区
# 写入文件或者创建新文件
def InputFile(): print "----------Input the filename please!----------" filename = raw_input("filename: ") # 注意这里的filename已经是变量, 不能再加引号了 txt = open(filename, 'a+') # 注意这里若无return,无法提取函数中的变量。因为本身函数中的变量是独立于外面代码区的。return filename, txt
# 返回上一步操作def Return(): print "(^-0-0-^) Ok, now rechoose the module..." print "(^-o^o-^) w: 'write'; r: 'read'; 'c': copy; 'd': delete" respond = raw_input(">>> ") return respond# 询问是否返回上一步操作def IfContinue(): print "If continue? 'n' to back or any key to continue!" choose = raw_input(">>> ") if 'n' in choose: Return() else: print "Ok, let's continue..."# 写入文件
if 'w' in respond: # 判断文件是否存在 print u"(-o<O>o-) 启动读写模式" IfContinue() # 前面说了,return是为了利用函数中的变量 。返回的值超过两个。即是以元组的形式存在。# 元组也和列表一样,是有顺序的。
w = InputFile()
filename = w[0] txt = w[1] print txt print "----------Does the file exists? %s----------" % exists(filename) if exists(filename) == True: print "----------Open the file: %s ----------\n" % filename # 调整指针, 记得一定要在write()之后,read()之前txt.seek(0)
print txt print txt.read() # 是否清空文件 print "----------Do you want to empty it?!!!----------" empty = raw_input(">>> ") if 'y' in empty: print "----------File has already empty...---------" txt = open(filename, 'w') else: print "----------Ok, next action...----------" elif exists(filename) == False: print "----------The file '%s' is created----------" # 由于while True是无限循环,所以用CTRL+C去中断输入 print "----------Write down something-----------" print "----------Type Ctrl + C to save----------" # 写入任意行 n = 0 while True: n += 1 content = raw_input("Line %s: " % n) txt.write(content + '\n')# 读取文件elif 'r' in respond: print u"(<o0.0o>) 启动读取模式" IfContinue() r = InputFile() filename = r[0] txt = r[1] print "----------Open the file: %s----------" % filename print txt txt.seek(0) print txt.read()# 复制文件elif 'c' in respond: print u"(-0o0-) 进入复制模式" IfContinue() c = InputFile() filename = c[0] txt = c[1] content = txt.read() print "Input the number you want to copy!" number = int(raw_input("number: "))# 这样就可以输入中文文件名了,先解码成标准码'utf-8',再编码成汉字用的内码'gbk'
filename = raw_input('filename: '.decode('utf-8').encode('gbk'))
# 创建目录,移动文件
# 新建一个目录/文件夹, 把我们新建的文件都放到夹子里面去
if exists(filename) == True:
print sys.path[0] + filename
print u"目录已存在"
os.mkdir(filename) # 这一段蓝色的代码就避免了存在同名文件夹filename而再重建发生错误的情况
for i in range(1, number): # 同名的文件夹不能重复建立,它不像open()可以重复打开但还是同个文件
to_file = '%s(%d).txt' % (filename, i) to_txt = open(to_file, 'w') to_txt.write(content)# 此处如果不关闭文件的话,和os.remove()的一样,绝对会报错到你哭:WindowsError
shutil.move(to_txt, filename) # to_txt表示文件,filename表示新建的文件夹
# 删除文件elif 'd' in respond: print u"(-1——0>>>) 删除模式" print u"删除某个文件——请按1,批量删除指定文件——请按2" choose = raw_input('digital : ') if choose == '1': IfContinue() d = InputFile() filename = d[0] txt = d[1] # 如果不关闭文件的话,无法删除,会提示系统错误 txt.close() print "Do you want to delete it?" answer = raw_input(">>> ") if 'n' in answer: print "----------Ok, skip it...----------" print "----------Do you have other file to delete?----------" else: print "----------File has already empty!----------" os.remove(filename) print "----------Do you have other file to deal?----------" answer = raw_input(">>> ") if 'n' in answer: print "Exit the script..." else: print u"(^-Q~Q-^)现在进入重复删除模式" print "----------Type CTRL + C to stop...--------- " # 重复删除 while True: file = raw_input(">>> ") print "...Deal..." os.remove(file) elif choose == '2': print "----------Please offer the postfix----------" # 输入后缀名/扩展名 postfix = raw_input("") currdir = 'c:\\python27\\5.19code\\test' # 批量删除指定后缀名的文件 def RemoveFile(dir, postfix): if os.path.isdir(dir): for file in os.listdir(dir): RemoveFile(dir + "\\" + file, postfix) elif os.path.splitext(dir)[1] == postfix: os.remove(dir) RemoveFile(currdir, postfix) print "Ok, files have been deleted!" else: print "Exit the script!"上面的'gbk'是国标扩展码,也就是中文简体字用的内码。'utf'是unicode转换格式。